Membership Application Name Your Email Address City Zip Code Home Church Group Leader's Name Phone 1. Why would you like to be considered for Deborah’s Daughters? 2. How would you benefit from being involved in this discipleship ministry? 3. How is your family life right now? Will you have the support of your family to participate? Does your present work schedule allow for this participation without too much stress? 4. Briefly explain where, when, and how you came to know Jesus as your Savior. 5. Describe your current relationships with the Lord. (How are you growing in relationship with him? How does Jesus minister to you?) 6. What kind of experiences have you had in ministry? Is there a ministry you would like to know more about? 7. It requires time to be involved in this group. We meet once a month and once a week with your accountability partner which can be in person or over the phone. We go on one weekend retreat together during the year. How does your current schedule allow for this level of commitment?